
In all these years that I have been serving in Sangar Sanat, I realized that in order to achieve our goals, we have to experience being together in a new way, in this case, in the very near future, we will witness development in all these years in Sangar Sanat. I am serving. I realized that in order to achieve our goals, we have to experience being together in a new way. In this case, in the very near future, I will witness the development. Our goals should be to experience being together in a new way, in this case, in the very near future, witnessing the development in all these years that I have been serving in Sangar Sanat, I realized that in order to achieve our goals, we need to be together in a new way. experience that in this case in the very near future, witnessing the development in all these years that I have been serving in Sangar Sanat, I realized that in order to achieve our goals, we must experience being together in a new way that in this case in the future Very close, witness the development.



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